– TNDTE BOARD EXAM QUESTION BANK – Tndte model question paper Oct 2022, Tndte previous question papers, DOTE question bank for M scheme, L scheme and J Scheme, diploma n scheme model question paper (pdf). And finally Tamilnadu diploma question papers for mechanical engineering PDF were have downloaded. This IP is directly access to view their all Tndte question papers. So students are please use above IP to be getting question papers easily. In previous days we have updated Tndte question paper. Here all years question papers are updated. If you want all semester and previous year question papers please follow our steps to be getting easily.

·        Year of exam

·        Select your course

·        Choose your scheme

·        And click semester

Mechanical engineering
Semester & subject name
6th sem & 32081 Mechanical instrumentation
6th sem & 32061 industrial Engg & Management
6th sem & CAD and manufacturing

Mechanical engineering Semester 5
Subject name and code
Links and files
32071 – Total quality management
32053 – process planning and cost estimation
32052 – Thermal and automobile engineering
32051 – Design of machine elements

Mechanical engineering 4th semester
Subject code subject name
32044 & Electrical drivers and control
32043 & fluid mechanics and fluid power
32042 & special machines
32041 & Heat power engineering

Mechanical engineering third semesters
Subject code and name
Links and Files
32033 & Machine drawing
32034 & Manufacturing Processes
32031 & Strength of Materials

Civil engineering third sem question papers
Subject code and name
31034 – Civil engineering drawing I
31033 – Surveying I
31032 – Constr Materials & Constr practice
31031 – Engineering Mechanics

Civil engineering fourth sem question papers
Subject code & Name
31044 – Estimating & Costing I
31043 – Surveying II
31042 – Transportation engineering
31041 – Theory of structure

Civil engineering fifth sem question papers
Subject code & Name
31071 – Advanced construction technology
31054 – Civil engineering drawing II
31052 – Environmental Engg & Pollution
31051 – Structural Engg

Civil engineering 6th sem question papers
Subject code & Name
31064 – Town planning
31063 – Estimating & costing
31062 – Hydraulics
31061 – Construction management

Question papers (All Departments
Some times website is too loading so please go to intradote.co.in web link. And then getting all semester question bank easily.
Mechanical Download Materials
1. Strength of Materials - 1 2 
2. Manufacturing Process - 1 2  
3. Machine Drawing - 1 2  
4. Heat Power Engineering - 1 2  
5. Total Quality Management - 1  
6. Process Planning - 1   
Civil Materials
1. Advanced Construction technology - 1  
2. Civil Engg Drawing 2 - 1  
3. Surveying 2 - 1 2  
4.  Theory Of structure - 1  2    
5. Civil ENGG Drawing 1 - 1 2 
Category Links
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