1069 – Apparel technology – The question papers are below page. The students who are download or either view your file here. Maximum the file size between 100 KB to 1000 KB. Here the question papers are April 2014, April 2015, April 2016, Apr 2017, April 2018 and Oct 2014, October 2015, October 2016 and Oct 2017, Oct 2018 there. And also we have provided K scheme and L scheme question papers. The subjects are,


·        Communication English 1
·        Mathematics
·        Engg Physics 1
·        Engg Chemistry 1
·        Applied Mathematics
·        Engineering Physics 2
·        Engineering chemistry 2
·        Engg Graphics
·        Fabric Production
·        Fibre Science And yarn Manufacture
·        Apparel designing
·        Product design development
·        Apparel drafting and sewing 1
·        Chemical processing and testing of textiles
·        Textile furnishing and Madeups
·        Clothing machinery & Equipment
·        Apparel drafting and sewing 2
·        Apparel Business
·        Textile Managements
·        Apparel Quality control
·        Apparel  production planning and control
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