Typewriting result 2025 link exam release date pdf download link website and shorthand result 2025 - The Tamilnadu directorate of Technical Education ( DOTE ) had been conducting senior, junior typewriter examinations on February month. The type writing languages are Tamil and English. And also a student can participate lower and higher. If students can join lower they will go to minimum 6 month of typewrite class. If students can join higher they will go to minimum 6 month of type writing class. In addition, typing is an most important for all candidates like a 10th standard, 11th standard, 12 standard and degree holders. Because the government were recruited typewriters in all time. Any how the typewriting results important for all peoples. Mostly TNPSC candidates are wants to E certificate or provisional certificate. What are types of typing exams? 1. Senior and Junior ( both Tamil and English ). In addition, lower and upper exams were conducted DOTE. www.dte.tn.go...
Tndtegteonline.in are published via our official portal www.tndte.com, tndte.gov.in. Generally
the TNDTE Oct Result has published in April second or third week respectively. But this time The Tamil
Nadu Type result August 2023 has released at last week of Oct third or fourth week 2024. In
exact date mentioned as below. Usually the
Tamil Nadu type result has published two kinds of server. Here we will are know when will publish tndte result here. Diploma and type write results are uploading same web portals. If you are studying both typewrite and diploma you can use below website to be getting information easily.
Update November 04, 2024: ( 07.00 AM )
As per the schedule DOTE will have declare result on day today i.e. 04 Nov 2024 at 10.00 AM. The respected students please provide your register number and Date of birth at IP address.
April 22, 2024
All Students who are getting ready to check your results in few days. The Result is now conformed on April 23, 2024 respectively ( Tentatively ). The complete details are enclosing by below schedule. In addition you can also try it Tndte IP to be seeing individual result easily at above server i.e. Tndte gte. If result server is busy please go to view official tndte IP address site. The IP address and its details lists are below page.
Update 04-05-2023:
Examiners are ready to getting results on tomorrow on wards. Already they have mentioned result date for academic calendar. But time is not announced. Maybe we will expect time like a 08.00 AM or 10.00 AM or 12.00 PM or 02.00 or 06.00 PM. Anytime they will publish result for these times.
Update 03-05-2023:
Dear students, result will be declaring on May first week 2023 ( Tentative) at tndte.com and tndte.gov.in site. But tndte.com web portal is doesn't work after 2020. So you can check tndte.gov.in and tndtegteonline portals. If Tndte has been confirming date we will inform here. So the examiners who are waiting till any updates from Non Official i.e. Intradote.co.in.
Dear students, result will be declaring on May first week 2023 ( Tentative) at tndte.com and tndte.gov.in site. But tndte.com web portal is doesn't work after 2020. So you can check tndte.gov.in and tndtegteonline portals. If Tndte has been confirming date we will inform here. So the examiners who are waiting till any updates from Non Official i.e. Intradote.co.in.
Update 01-05-2023:
Tndte GTE online.in is one of the official web portal of Directorate of technical education i.e. DTE for TN. And Dte tn gov in is another official website of DTE. If any portal is doesn't working well after result please use any site to be getting result immediately.
Update 27-10-2024:
More of website inside of DOTE. But this time they will declare two web portals only. Number one is Tndte Gte Online and www.tndte.gov.in respectively. Since 2010 to 2020 periods, they have more number of website to be seeing students results and others. Now we will see results at above portals only. So student can't confusing those websites. The old sites are Tndte.com, Tngte.in
University or Board
Directorate of
Technical education
Exam conducted
February and March
Result Announce
May 2025
Result Date
May 05, 2024 ( tentative )
Announced time
10.00 AM
tndte examination is one of the important exams in Tamil Nadu. The Directorate
of technical education has conducted our syllabus both Tamil and English. Most
of the students studied our diploma education in Tamil version.
Only below of
23% students refer the English syllabus. Who are complete the DOTE examination
without any arrears; on the students apply for Anna University counseling in Chennai.
The Tamil Nadu polytechnic student’s joint as direct second year (lateral entry)
in engineering college under Anna University affiliate colleges.
is ODD semester examination. Every year the Tamil Nadu directorate of technical
education has released our Oct/Nov 2023 exam result. The Tamil Nadu polytechnic
students check our results in our official portal of www.tndte.com, tndte.gov.in and intradote.tn.nic.in.
Also some unofficial websites published in results Like a schools9.com,
worldcolleges.info and more.
Update 07- Jan- 2023: ( For Diploma students )
The result is eligible for following departments ( Diploma ) only.
1. Leather technology
2. Ceramic technology
3. Petro chemical engineering
4. Polymer technology
5. Sugar technology
6. Plastic technology
7. Apparel technology
8. Home textiles
9. Textile technology
10. Applied arts and crafts
11. Shutteless weaving
12. Costume design and dress making
13. Textile marketing and management
14. Fashion technology
15. Textile processing
16. Textronics
17. Garment technology
18. Computer networking engineering
19. Information technology
20. Metallurgy
21. Production engineering
22. Mechanical engineering
23. Instrumentation and control engineering
24. Electronics or Mechatronics engineering
25. Marine engineering
26. Aeronautical
27. Architectural assistant ship
28. Environmental and pollution control engineering
29. Industrial safety
30. 3D animations and graphics
31. Basic engineering
32. Civil engineering
33. Electrical and electronics engineering
34. Electronics and communication engineering
35. Printing technology
36. Film technology and TV production
37. Hotel management and catering technology
38. Chemical engineering
39. Prosthetics and orthotics engineering
40. Modern office Practice
41. Fisheries technology.
Update 07- Jan- 2023: ( For Diploma students )
The result is eligible for following departments ( Diploma ) only.
1. Leather technology
2. Ceramic technology
3. Petro chemical engineering
4. Polymer technology
5. Sugar technology
6. Plastic technology
7. Apparel technology
8. Home textiles
9. Textile technology
10. Applied arts and crafts
11. Shutteless weaving
12. Costume design and dress making
13. Textile marketing and management
14. Fashion technology
15. Textile processing
16. Textronics
17. Garment technology
18. Computer networking engineering
19. Information technology
20. Metallurgy
21. Production engineering
22. Mechanical engineering
23. Instrumentation and control engineering
24. Electronics or Mechatronics engineering
25. Marine engineering
26. Aeronautical
27. Architectural assistant ship
28. Environmental and pollution control engineering
29. Industrial safety
30. 3D animations and graphics
31. Basic engineering
32. Civil engineering
33. Electrical and electronics engineering
34. Electronics and communication engineering
35. Printing technology
36. Film technology and TV production
37. Hotel management and catering technology
38. Chemical engineering
39. Prosthetics and orthotics engineering
40. Modern office Practice
41. Fisheries technology.